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Lab Tested &
Quality Assured

Buy counterfeit money online at a very low cost from the best and most reliable dealer. Stop being in debt when you have the opportunity to be rich.


Universals Laboratory

We’ve built a long-standing relationship based on trust Tombrady’s Counterfeit International is a leading company that deals with the cleaning of bank-stained notes, SSD Chemical Solutions, and Activation Powder.

We have a team of professionals who are well-versed in the knowledge of chemicals and their appropriate usage. Our company is capable of removing stains from any kind of currency making it look new.


Quality SSD chemical solution for cleaning black, green, white and sachet notes. Anti breeze specialist and cleaning machine available for cleaning Black/Stamped Currencies Like; Dollars, Euros, Rands, AED, Pounds And Other Currencies. .


Anti V-powder refers to a reactivation member of the SSD products which is been pure and rob all over damaged notes for preservation and also help for cloning , bills like USD and blacks EURO, POUNDS, transferring colors from used note to new white bills.


Our 3D Laser Automatic black money cleaning machine is avaliable for rent, hire, Sales to perform any defeced blackened money cleaning both local and international. We will travel our expert technician with this machine to your country anywhere..

Automatic Money Cleaning Machines

We manufacture, assemble, sell and rent out the latest Automatic Money Cleaning machines.

New Products

Buy cheap, untraceable counterfeit money online.

The majority of counterfeit money is produced by anonymous individuals who will never gain widespread public recognition. However, some forgers produce fake currency in such prodigious and large quantities that their reputations will live on in the annals of great charlatans for ages to come. We have made counterfeit money for sale into an art form, and we never stop trying to get better at it. Visit Tombrady’s Counterfeit International today to purchase cheap undetectable counterfeit currency online.

Activating Powders & Compounds

We manufacture, sell and distrubute all Activating Powders and Compounds.

SSD Chemical Solutions

We manufacture, sell and distrubute all SSD Chemical Solutions

Automatic Money Cleaning Machines

The flowering stage is when your cannabis plants grow their aromatic and soon-to-be-smokeable.

What Our Clients Say

This company has been quite reliable. I am now on my third order, and so far everything has been pretty smooth. My only complaint will be that they are very slow to respond and take a very long time with delivery, hence why I am only giving them 4 stars. Other than that, they are the most legit online company when it comes to counterfeits.
if i could could give 5 stars i would this site is 100% legit. They take too long to respond and delivery takes like forever. It took me 3 weeks to get my order when they said it would be here 5-7 days. I guess its the price to be paid when you take the regular delivery. Regarding the quality it works just as advertised but their 100 dollar bills seem to be inconsistent with the coloring if you look for it. Just placed a second order with overnight delivery and hoping to see a progress with the delivery. Till then i am keeping them at 3 stars for actually delivering and for their quality being as advertised.
Alexander Samokhin
I have ordered the starter's pack and as soon as i sent the payment in bitcoin i was told i would have confirmation within 3 hours but got back to me 24 hours later confirming and approving my order and said it will be shipped a day or 2 later. But it took me approx 3 weeks before i could get my order. Their customer service is quite slow with response, almost had a heart attack feeling i was scammed since it was my first time dealing with them. Patience is strongly advised when dealing with them or you risk having a heart attack like me lol. I will say they are more prompt with replies on telegram than on email and they do a very good job at answering all questions. If only they could be more prompt and very fast with their deliveries then this company would be worthy of my 5 stars. about placing another order with them and will surely update my review once i get it.
Joeby Ragpa


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